Monday, May 25, 2009


Good morning everyone!

Just a quick update as I haven't been able to post for a while this has been because I've moved house and started a new job!

We've just moved house and only got re connected on Friday, that said, there isn't really a "place" for my desktop so I'm currently typing on my bedroom floor. Hopefully when I get the deposit back from the previous property we would really like to invest in a apple laptop. I adore the new house though and am very excited to do some blog posts on interior design and storage ideas for you; I'm particularly excited about the dressing room as you can imagine!

I started my new job as a marketing coordinator on Monday which has been fantastic so far. Everyone has been extremely welcoming and lovely. I'm very excited about it! It's great to enjoy what you do.

Hope you're all doing well. It was such a shame I couldn't join you all at the BarryM event. I loved reading your posts about it and will be posting a little BarryM tribute soon (photos on my Mum's computer).

I am bursting with ideas for new blog posts so please don't unfollow me just yet! I just need a little more time to get settled :)

Hope you have a fantastic day!

Lottie x x x

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  1. :) im really happy for u.. xx

  2. Sounds great.. hope the new job keeps going well!! xox

  3. best of luck with it all xx

  4. Its great that your new job is working out so well!

  5. ps. am eagerly (spelling?!? Agh!) the new ideas for the blog... I miss my Lottie B fixes!! Cant wait till you have more time to update!! xox

  6. Thank you guys - I missed blogging so much!! hehe x x x
